某软件公司启动了一个中等规模的软件开发项目,其功能需求由5个用例描述。项目采用增量开发模型,每一次迭代完成1个用例;共产生5个连续的软件版本,每个版本都比上一个版本实现的功能多。 每轮迭代都包含实现、测试、修正与集成4个活动,且前一个活动完成之后才能开始下一个活动。不同迭代之间的活动可以并行。例...
With a secured credit card, consumers with poor credit get the chance to build credit, practice good credit card habits and prove their creditworthiness over time. This form of credit requires a cash deposit to secure a line of credit. However, despite having to pay a deposit, secured credit...
What you need to know when applying for a Social Security number and cardJordan, Ginny
If your Social Security number is exposed in a breach or leak, it's important that you act quickly to prevent identity thieves from doing more damage. We'll give you some steps to take.
If you are a member of the U.S. armed forces, you should have a military identification card. The Common Access Card has your photo, full name and Social Security number, as does the Department of Defense Form 2 identification for retirees. If the military has discharged you, your military...
Independent contractors and others who receive income from sources other than an employer can expect to receive a 1099 instead of a W-2. So, what is a 1099, and how do you use it to file your taxes? Here's everything you need to know about Form 1099, inc
The Social Security number is a very important identifier both from a hiring and employment standpoint, as well as from the financial aspects of a person’s life. Since it is such an important identification number, it is important to know what someone who appropriates this information can do...
Your Social Security card is missing.Smart wallet thieves won’t just take your cash and run — they’ll steal your SSN card and commit identity theft. YourmySocial Securityaccount shows unfamiliar benefits or income.Opening a freemySocial Security accountwill alert you whenever someone tries to...
A Social Security number and its corresponding card may be obtained by filling out Form SS-5: Application for a Social Security Card from the SSA. The form explains how to obtain an original card, replace a card, and change or correct SSN records.9 A full list of requirements, such as ...
Financial identity theft occurs when someone uses another person's identity or information to obtain credit, goods, services, or benefits. This is the most common form of identity theft.1 Social Security Identity Theft Thieves use stolen Social Security numbers toapply for credit cards and loansres...