Fireworks are also set off on the night of Diwali—said by some to ward off evil spirits. Another central theme of Diwali is family. Wearing their best new clothes, families gather together to eat sweets and other special foods, light diyas, and pray for their ancestors. Businesses are ...
Modern astronomy aside, people have recognized the vernal equinox for thousands of years. There is no shortage of rituals and traditions surrounding the coming of spring. Many early peoples celebrated for the basic reason that their food supplies would soon be restored. The date is significant in...
5. Congress may, under the sanction of that clause which empowers them to lay and collect duties (as distinct from imposts and excises) impose so heavy a stamp duty on newspapers and other periodical publications, as shall effectually prevent all necessary information to the people through these...
In years past, films like nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up, Prince’s Tale, and Susanne Bartsch: On Top have made a splash — and it will be exciting to see which documentary in 2024 is dubbed the best of the things to see atHot Docs International Documentary Fil...