Leshem, Dotan. “Retrospectives: What Did the Ancient Greeks Mean by ‘Oikonomia?’”The Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 30, no. 1, American Economic Association, 2016, pp. 225–38. Abstract: Nearly every economist has at some point in the standard coursework been exposed to a brief ...
Well, today I want to start talking about western music and I am going to start in ancient Greece.But, now here's the part that's different.We're not going to talk very much about the actual music.Instead, we are going to talk about what the Greeks believed about music. ...
What Ancient Greeks Thought About The Three-Person Baby DebateThe Conversation
Every Ancient Greece philosopher has built a quite complicated theory,each one of which contains much knowledge of the world. Here, I would like to take a most famous figures as sample. His name is Thales, the first recorded philosopher in history.Thales was born in the city-sta...
Explore this article 1Food from the Sea The Chumash were a sedentary people, but they did not cultivate the land. Instead, they reaped the bounty of the sea. Their main diet consisted of fish, and shellfish such as mussels, abalone and clams. They also ate sea mammals like seals and ot...
Ancient Greeks enjoy a dessert similar to ice cream. And this is where our story begins! 1300s Ice cream, ho! Marco Polo brings an early form of ice cream to Europe. We imagine the popular pool game started with ice cream-craving fans searching in the night for Marco! (Polo!) 1700s...
The idea of virtue and its role in ethical behavior comes from Greek philosophy. Plato, who lived in the fourth century B.C., identified four virtues that have become influential concepts in Western civilization. Now known as the four cardinal virtues, t
So, why did the ancient Greeks believe that the Earth was the center of the universe?Well, it made sense to them—observations of the sky made it appear as if the Sun, the Moon, and the stars all revolved around the Earth every day, while the Earth itself stayed in one place. ...
They celebrated major events and moments in history. These songs were irregular in their length, metrical patterns, and rhyme but were consistently made up of three parts. The three sections: the strophe, antistrophe, and epode. The Ancient Greeks often accompanied their odes with music. ...
even the ancient greeks used to think that everything was made up of atoms. are these the final ‘substantives' with all of the apparent things in the world being merely attributes? well, unfortunately not. science has known for a long time that atoms mainly consist of empty space with ...