Banana skin is not considered toxic to rabbits by veterinarians, although they are not necessarily recommended, either. A small amount of banana peel might be safe for your rabbit to eat. Feeding an entire banana peel, however is not advisable. Can rabbits eat potatoes? Although potatoes won'...
Unfortunately, not all treats that are marketed toward rabbits are healthy for them. It’s convenient to pick up a bag of treats to keep on the shelf, but you don’t want to pick up just any bag from the rabbit food aisle. Most of the treat mixes contain unhealthy foods that can cau...
There are several brands from pet stores, at the moment I use Alfalfa King Timothy Hay as I found the colour and the smell wonderful. My rabbits tend to prefer this one but I find that whilst the strands are nice and long to begin with, the last third of a pack is always dusty and...
Angora wool comes from a special breed of rabbit that produces incredibly fine and soft hair. This type of wool is very expensive, and the rabbits that produce it are not commonly kept in humane conditions. 8. Vicuna Wool The vicuna is a relative of the alpaca that is exclusively native ...
Although peeling them will remove a little fiber, when it comes to serving carrots, there really isn't a bad way, she said. (Unless, perhaps, you are a rabbit. According to Britain's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, wild rabbits don't eat carrots, and they shoul...
Should vegans stop eating foods that are pollinated by bees? What's a vegan-friendly approach to helping bees and other pollinators? What are the vegan alternatives to honey? FAQs about the relationship between honey and veganism So, is honey vegan?
There’s quite a process to clean quinoa as each piece is covered with saponins, which are toxic. Not toxic enough to kill us but enough to make them quite unpalatable. I left it soaking overnight, then rinsed it again, agitating well, then repeated, soaking again overnight. We were ...
Onions, along with garlic, are toxic to you dog. Compounds within these foods, which are included in the allium family (garlic, shallots, leeks, chives) mess with your dog's blood cells and can cause anemia. Hot dogs bhofack2 Hot dogs ...
Onions, along with garlic, are toxic to you dog. Compounds within these foods, which are included in the allium family (garlic, shallots, leeks, chives) mess with your dog's blood cells and can cause anemia. Hot dogs bhofack2 Hot dogs ...
Onions, along with garlic, are toxic to you dog. Compounds within these foods, which are included in the allium family (garlic, shallots, leeks, chives) mess with your dog's blood cells and can cause anemia. Hot dogs bhofack2 Hot dogs ...