When should I call my therapist or doctor? Your symptoms get worse or do not get better with treatment. Your depression keeps you from doing your regular daily activities. You have new symptoms since your last visit. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care. ...
Inflammation diets have been trendy for a long time. But new research is revealing exactly how your diet can affect the gut microbiome—and ultimately ward off chronic disease.
Skinless chicken or turkey breast are great lean-meat, high-protein options for breakfast (if you eat meat). Research shows that pairing poultry with a carbohydrate-rich food, like a baked potato, can help you control your blood sugar levels throughout the day.55 ...
What Is the Best Food To Eat Right Before Bed? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The food should be a small snack without caffeine or excessive sugar, and one that your body can digest easily. Consider a handful of nuts, some yogurt, or a piece of fruit like a kiwi. Is It...
How Food Influences Mental Health We know that nutrition affects our physical health, but what we consume plays a larger role in our mood and mental health than we realize. Here's what you need to know about how your diet impacts your brain. ...
Step 2: Identify the emotion that’s leading you to eat When you feel the urge to turn to your comfort food, ask yourself: What emotion am I feeling right now? Is it anxiety? Boredom? Sadness? Just naming the feeling or emotion can be a huge step in deciding to do something instead...
develop significant anxiety if they cannot control what they eat. They will experience shame, panic or guilt if they do not follow their “diet.” Thoughts about food and eating often consume them and impact their daily functioning. Orthorexia can lead tosocial isolation, depression, and ...
Mood changes such as anxiety, depression, or decreased desire to have sex Trouble sleeping, joint pain, headaches Brittle nails, hair on chin or chest where it is normally absent Decrease in breast size and change in skin texture Weight gainDrugs...
Giving into the desire for more sleep in recovery may therefore be hard, but it’s almost as important as the food side of things: If your body is to put all this newly available energy to use, it needs sleep to do it. Maybe there’s even some relief in being awake for fewer...
It is really important to calm your body and eat your food in a relaxed state. This will help your body produce enough digestive juices to adequately break down, sterilize, and absorb the nutrients you are putting inside of it. When you are stressed out, you will not be able to digest...