goods exported to Canada and especially to Mexico were taxed at a high rate. These tariffs discouraged the sale of much U.S. merchandise, including cars, car parts, computers, and food, in its neighbor countries. As a result of the agreement, these duties were reduced over time, eventually...
Dalhies (downtown apartment-living hipsters): Dalhies are young, prosperous and the closest we have to yuccies. On a first-name basis with the staff at Credo. The fastest food they’ll ever deign to eat is butter chicken at Remedy Café. They can see the downtown arena construction from...
Well, I'm now in Ontario, where corkage fees are in place. Consequently, I go out to eat about 1/10th as frequently. And whether I'm poor or rich won't change this. Eliminate corkage fees. Byanon61213— On Jan 19, 2010 Why is it called a "corkage" fee, when (1) the waiter ...
A few key studies have been done.One 2012 studycarried out in the Republic of Ireland worked out that basic income could be affordable if people were taxed 45 percent of their income. This would lead to overall income increases for the vast majority of people. If you’re talking about actu...
Top priority in office: My top priority will be to address the fact that we are the highest-taxed state with the worst business climate. Addressing these issues will be imperative for our recovery from this pandemic. Regionally, I will be addressing the need for high-speed broa...
When you do withdraw interest, your withdrawal is taxed, so the government is happy. Of course, you could always move the money to a different account, just like you can roll over your 401K right now. Reply Mr. Frugal Toque April 9, 2012, 12:36 pm The people of our grandparents’...
However, until that proposed regulation is finalized, the requirement to report SFFAs applies only to individual taxpayers. Final rules govern reporting of specified foreign financial assets: the regulations provide an exception for dual-resident taxpayers taxed as residents of a treaty partner country;...