分析划线单词所在的句子“Tea contains various elements, including polyphenols(多酚), Polyphenols are considered responsible for the health benefits that have traditionally been linked to ten, especially green tea.(茶含有多种元素,包括多酚,多酚被认为对健康有益,传统上认为对健康有益,尤其是绿茶)” 可知,...
An increased intake of polyphenols has been linked to many health-related advantages. People often try to get more polyphenols to help with digestive well-being. Polyphenols are also linked to improvedblood sugar control, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and more. Some factors can affect the...
Polyphenol is a term for the several thousand plant-based molecules that have antioxidant properties. The health benefits of antioxidants are well known! Besides their antioxidant nature, polyphenols also help regulating enzyme function and stimulate cell receptors.[1]...
Contains polyphenols that, just like flavanols, help enhance the well-being of microcirculation, and theobromine, a thermogenic and lipolytic substance that promotes the elimination of fat contained in adipose cells. Centella asiatica Centella asiatica Thanks to its phlebotonic action, it helps promo...
Chocolate is made up of two components: cocoa solids (or powder) and cocoa butter. It is the cocoa powder in chocolate that containspolyphenolsknown for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. While a variety of polyphenols exist in cocoa, the primary polyphenols are called flavanols....
Indian Bread P.E. contains various polysaccharides, saponins, polyphenols, and other active ingredients that can regulate the immune system function and enhance the body's immunity. 3. Antioxidant: Indian Bread P.E. contains multiple antioxidant components that can eliminate free radicals in the body...
Black tea contains plenty of antioxidants that offer health benefits such as improved heart health and decreased blood pressure. The health benefits of drinking black tea every day includes the following: Antioxidant effects:Black tea contains polyphenols such as theaflavins, catechins, and thearubigins...
Kale contains cancer-fighting phytonutrients–compounds produced by plants which are sometimes called phytochemicals. These compounds may reduce the risk of chronic illnesses like cancer and cardiovascular disease. Kale contains the polyphenols quercetin and kaempferol and the terpenoids alpha, beta and gamma...
What types of food contain the most lectins? This is what a peanut lectin looks like. They are a rather large structure involving dozens of different amino acids pieced together. That’s not a straightforward answer since each plant and animal has a unique type (or several). ...
What are the health benefits of eating jackfruit? A 3.5 ounce portion of jackfruit contains only 94 calories. It is rich invitamin C,niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 andfolic acid. It is rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium as well. Ripe jackfruit is an excellent source of polyphenols like...