However, you can take certain steps to save money if you plan ahead of time. For example, try to avoid changing money at the airport. Know that there are ATMs all over Israel, which are more cost-effective and very accessible. Try to book your flights as far out as you possibly can ...
This year, Eid will come just after the Israel-Hamas war crosses the somber milestone of having stretched on for half a year.
Flying Blue’s flights to Tel Aviv, Israel range from 43,000-50,000 miles round-trip in economy class, depending on which coast you’re flying out of. Interestingly enough, the West Coast flights are cheaper at 21,500 miles one-way while departures out of New York go for 25,000 miles...
You also won’t be allowed to enter the country if you hold a passport or any travel documents with an Israeli stamp, or if there’s any evidence that you’ve been to Israel or are in any way connected to Israel. Unfortunately, Iran is not the only country with this ban in place. ...
They didn’t divert planes or delay flights, because it’s so obvious that this is a hoax. I’m curious if Indian officials will eventually decide that it’s time to scale back how seriously these threats are taken. If not, I have to imagine that the number of threats will just ...
Prior to the October 2023 terrorist attacks in Israel, many may not have heard of Samidoun, although it has existed for more than a decade
Air Canada potential pilots' strike would ground 1,000 flights a day. How worried should Canadians be? Walk-off by 5,400 pilots could happen as early as Sept. 17, after union members deliver overwhelming strike vote at end of 10-year contract Author of the article: Chris Knight Published...
The brazen arrogance, conceit, hubris and chutzpah of Canada to dictate to Israel how it must conduct its war against Hamas, that it must lay down its arms, is nothing short of astounding. Who are we, or anyone else for that matter, to tell Israel what to do to in the face of an...
However, you can take certain steps to save money if you plan ahead of time. For example, try to avoid changing money at the airport. Know that there are ATMs all over Israel, which are more cost-effective and very accessible. Try to book your flights as far out as you possibly can ...