2.Walking felony 危险人物,恐怖人物 That girl is a walking felony in that dress. She is so sexy that she made all the other girls look bad. 那个姑娘可是个危险人物。她穿那个裙子太性感了,其他人都黯然失色了。 There's a walking felony. That guy's so drunk that he looks like he's about...
We all have to answer for the choices we make daily for the rest of our lives. These guys are no different – they just make much worse choices with far greater consequences. Bystarrynight— On Oct 27, 2011 I think it's really important to help felony offenders transition back into soci...
If I were a hiring manager, I would be weary of hiring someone convicted of a felony regardless of how long it has been. I wouldn't want someone to work for me who is a criminal. I hate the argument surrounding this because I believe that if you commit a crime, it should be with...
’ Male, 45, who appeared to punch boy, 14, faces another felony – Dave Urbanski – Blaze Canadian James Cameron Whines About Trump Being President, Says He’s Staying In New Zealand – Amanda Harding -Daily Wire Elon Musk: Logical –––– President Trump says America is happy to stay...
Cybercrimes are usually classified as some type of felony, and the justice system is generally harsh on those who can be found and charged. Unfortunately, the most successful hackers are those who never get caught. Another issue is the fast pace of technological innovation. In many cases, our...
The 2030 census will be sabotaged even worse than the 2020 census was. Minorities and liberal regions will significantly lose representation. About What is the worst that could happen? WhatIsTheWorst.com/ Resources Readme License Apache-2.0 license Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 1 watch...
Is DUI worse than hit and run? Hit and run DUIs While hit and runs and DUIs are bad respectively, a combination of the two is worse. A DUI hit and run combination defendant will face penalties for both offenses. Though the presiding judge has some discretion for the penalties, the common...
What Mompreneurs Can Teach Us About Time Management What Happens if You Lose Your Certificate of Good Standing What Do 'Mompreneurs' Prefer to Be Called? The Top 4 Tips for Virtual Startups How to File a Statement of Information in California ...
This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other. But remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that...
At the other extreme, eight states permanently deny the franchise to anyone who has ever been convicted of a felony. The remaining states have adopted intermediate positions. The logic of disenfranchisement is flawed. It rids the community at large of any responsibility for the criminal's ...