Despite numerous proposals over the years, no one comprehensive federal law governs data privacy in the U.S. yet. In the meantime, individual states have acted rather than wait on the federal government. There's a complex patchwork of sector-specific and medium-specific laws, including laws and...
Environmental Law – What You Need To Know Lawmakers have passed state and federal environmental legislation to regulate big business and its effects on the environment, zeroing in on climate change, preservation of natural environments, sustainability in the consumption of natural resources, and human...
FERPA is technology neutral. The law doesn’t state that signed consent forms must be paper and ink — and there are a lot of good reasons to choose online forms. Not only are they more convenient andincredibly secure, butonline forms reduce paper consumption, which helps the environment. ...
Legal disputes are time-consuming and costly. Adherence to company policies and procedures could eventually drain your resources, especially if you are sued. For instance, US publicly traded corporations are expected to adhere to theSarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), a federal law enacted to protect investo...
SOX provides executives with a reason to divert some company profits to improving financial management processes and capabilities, which protects shareholders, reduces the risk of lawsuits, and improves company operations by helping them avoid bad decisions. The SOX Act has allowed companies to standardi...
TheFair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)is a federal law that sets minimum wage, overtime pay eligibility, recordkeeping, and child labor standards. Enacted in 1938, it ensures workers receive minimum compensation and protects them from exploitation. ...
Another great article Art. What comes to mind is that government, like business, can’t usually cut their way to a profit. Additional sales…revenue for government… Is the way to profitability. As you point out, profit should not be the motivation for government. In a...
Learn what to know about the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Discover how it impacts your business and what can happen if you don't comply.
Consumer protection laws in the U.S. include various federal and state laws, each of which governs a particular area of the economy. The government oversees consumer protection through theFederal Trade Commission(FTC). States use a variety of agencies and statutes to enforce consumer protection an...
The history of U.S. debt goes back to the American Revolution. Almost all the deficits in the early days of our country were the result of war. The federal government managed to pay off its entire debt in 1835. This was the first time that the country was debt-free.1Wars, economic c...