100+ Dirty Questions to Ask a Girl By TatianaJul 27, 2023 Makeup & Cosmetics The Best Eyeshadow Colors for Brown Eyes By Life and LuxuryJul 27, 2014 Music A Review of the Album "Under Lock and Key" by the Band Dokken By Ara Vahanian5 hours ago ...
FDR achieved much of his success by signing a whopping 76 bills into law during that time frame. According to a report byNPR, Biden has only signed 11 so far — the fewest by a Democrat in the last century. Biden’s predecessor, President Donald Trump, had signed 28 by this...
Was Woodrow Wilson a Democrat? Why is James Madison on the $5,000 dollar bill? Who influenced Woodrow Wilson? Was Woodrow Wilson an isolationist? What laws did Woodrow Wilson pass? What did Andrew Jackson do after being president? Who ran the National Bank during the Jacksonian Era? Who was...
Was Dwight Eisenhower a Democrat? Who was president of the United States before Eisenhower? What did the Eisenhower administration offer the President of Vietnam? Who did Dwight Eisenhower defeat in the presidential election of 1956? Was Dwight Eisenhower a 5-star general? What did the Eisenhower...
“I’m running as a Dixiecrat,” George said. “As a Democrat! That’ll mess them up!” If you’re not aware of the term,Dixiecratis the party that South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond ran for president on in 1948, and whoseplatformstated: ...
You don't need a label. You need not be a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Anarchist or Nihilist. You can "mix and match" both pols and ideas. Me? I've changed, if subtly, and in ways that trouble a friend here and there. But my thinking is pretty much the same as it was whe...
they created the 1920’s boom – by supplying excess credit to a nation that had been on the gold standard, it was party time, the roaring twenties, then the crash of 1929 and the confiscation of gold in 1933 by FDR. Since that nexus in time, our enslavement to fiat has been gradual...
a seventy four year old Jewish guy with a passion for the people. I am sure the Democratic Party thought it was a hoot that Bernie was going to run as a Democrat. I can recall many times when different Hillary supporters told us he wasn’t a “real” Democrat and he was a SOCIALIST...
Sixty-six percent of space scientists said they would have “great scientific value.” Douglas, a liberal Democrat, was a member of Kennedy’s own party, and he had gone to some trouble to establish that America’s actual space scientists judged that the race to the Moon wasn...
Classical liberalism in general: A pushback against the authority of church and state in religion, economics, and liberties and rights. It favors the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers in respect to rights and politics. Key beliefs are the separation of powers, voting, republics, free-trade, ...