I think my home falls into that category. More than half of Australian homes are still choosing to stick with their home phone. Age is naturally a factor (因素)— only 58 percent of Generation Ys still use landlines now and then, compared to 84 percent of Baby Boomers who’ve perhaps...
With global inflation and the cost-of-living crisis upon us, it’s no surprise that “reducing overall expenses” was the leading reason consumers cited for cancelling retail subscriptions in a recent survey10. If your business falls into the “luxury” rather than “essentials” category, you ...
Unemployment and the Economy Unemployment is one of the most closely-watched indicators for economic health, along withgross domestic product (GDP)and theconsumer price index (CPI). The unemployment rate has an inverse relationship with the stock market and inflation, two key metrics for the overal...
“If you miss a third payment, your account will most likely be closed, and you will be required to pay the entire balance. The majority of creditors will sell your debt to a collection agency.” Under federal law, a credit can send your account to a collection agency after it’s...
The AA+ rating is issued by S&P and Fitch and is similar to the Aa1 rating issued by Moody's. This rating, the second highest, is still of high quality but falls below the AAA ranking. S&P says AA+ differs from AAA "only to a small degree" and indicates the issuer's ability to ...
How do I choose the right mix of mutual funds? When should I drop a mutual fund from my portfolio? What’s the difference between a mutual fund and an ETF? Are Christian mutual funds legit? This article provides general guidelines about investing topics. Your situation may be unique. To ...
Cyber security risks are present in every organization and are not always under the direct monitoring and control of IT security teams. Increasing connectivity (IoT), the rising adoption of cloud technology and services, and outsourcing mean larger cyber security threat vectors compared to the past....
was massive over-investment in some types of business investment during 1996-2000. In 2001 it becomes apparent that over-investment in tech and communications has occurred, the floor drops out of the business investment sector, and business investment falls sharply. What happens to the economy?
Also under the Biden administration, the Social Security Administration provided an 8.7% Social Security cost of living adjustment for Social Security payments beginning in December 2022 to help retirees combat inflation. Many programs and rules that apply to retirees have been updated over the yea...
Our study area falls into the capital of Hubei Province, Wuhan city, which covers a total area of 8569 square kilometers. Environmentally sensitive areas with high biodiversity value, such as forest, are located in the northern part. Most of the central area is covered by an impervious surface...