adultswhonappedoftenweremorelikelytodevelophighbloodpressureandhaveastroke.But thatdoesn?t meanthenappingcausesthesehealthissues—instead,napping maybedueto unhealthybehaviors.Theresearchersfoundthatahighpercentageoffrequentnappersreported cigarettesmoking,dailydrinking,insomnia(失眠症)andotherfactorsthatcouldcontributeto...
What causes slums to develop? How does culture affect population growth? What kinds of cultural factors influence agriculture? How do geography, demography, and the environment interact? How did the Nile create boundaries? What causes terrorism in the Middle East?
Under which economic system would factors of production most likely be owned by the government? How did the Berber traders contribute to the establishment of the kingdoms of Mali, Ghana, and Songhai? A. The Berber traders encouraged their rulers to conquer the Sub-Saharan regions. Berber trader...
Knowledge should embrace all relevant factors present in a market – whether that market is a small geographic area in a company’s home country or an entire developing nation half a world away. Such insights can help inform the business plan, the business strategy and, perhaps, the organisatio...
If we do not think about these factors first, how am I going to think about protection networks for women…for gender issues? This is not what she is going to discuss here, she is going to get here, first, hungry." (KII 8). A provider also highlighted the financial dependence some ...
During graduate school, Anokwa spent six months volunteering with a public health organization in Rwanda, where he helped introduce an electronic medical record system that’s now used nationwide. That experience inspired him to develop Open Data Kit (ODK), a platform...
With well-executed customer intelligence, businesses can develop deeper connections with their customers simply by being more data-driven. Stronger relationships can create a ripple effect across sales,customer loyalty,brand advocacy, and brand sentiment. ...
The causes of MS are still unknown, but it most likely results from an interplay between as yet unidentified environ- mental factors and susceptibility genes. Relapses and progression are the two major clinical phenomena of prototypic MS. Relapses are considered the clinical expression of acute ...
What key factors helped the Aztecs become a strong empire? What influenced Egyptian art? What did Egyptian pharaohs eat? What agricultural innovations came from Mesopotamia? What did Egyptians put in the Pyramids? What cultural aspects of Egyptian civilization did the Kushites adopt? What natural fe...
The Barbary pirates were successful for over three hundred years due to a variety of factors. First, the rise of the decline of the Byzantine Empire... Learn more about this topic: Barbary Pirates & the First Barbary War | Overview & Aftermath ...