What every body is saying. William MorrowNavarro, J. (2008). What everybody is saying. An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People. New York: HarperCollins.Navarro, J. (2008). What Every Body is Saying. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers....
喜欢读"What Every BODY is Saying"的人也喜欢 ··· The Definitive Book of Body Langu... 8.1 Influence 8.8 To Sell Is Human 7.7 Too Much and Never Enough 6.3 Ego Is the Enemy 7.6 David and Goliath 7.6 Elon Musk 8.4 How to Lie with Statistics 8.0 You Are a Badass 6.7...
内容提示: What Every Body Is Saying FBI教你读心术报告人: khr华中师范大学心理学院09级2011.11.23 文档格式:PPT | 页数:28 | 浏览次数:14 | 上传日期:2013-07-10 21:09:32 | 文档星级: What Every Body Is Saying FBI教你读心术报告人: khr华中师范大学心理学院09级2011.11.23 ...
What everybody is saying Happy feet and legs that wiggle and/or bounce with joy. Happy feet are a *high confidence tell*, a signal that 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 a person feels he is getting what he wants or is in an advantageous position to gain something of value from another person from...
It won’t be long before you discover, with just a glance, what every body is saying. F ORE WORD ix A C K N O WL E D G ME N T S W hen I started writing the early drafts of this book, I realized that this project had been long in the making. It did not start with my ...
Synchrony is also important, however, in assessing for deception.Look for synchrony between what is being said verbally and nonverbally, between the circumstances of the moment and what the subject is saying, between events and emotions, and even synchrony of time and space. ...
Whateverybodyissaying Tellyouhowtorecognizelies Thereisareportersaidthatpeopletellalieonaverageoftenminutetalking So howtorecognizeother`slieisimportantYoushouldrealizethathumans`bodycantelltruth.Freezingbehavior Freezing behaviorisakindofactionwhichishappenedindangeroussituationOurbrainwillletourbody...
其实有中译版本 有看到豆瓣上显示了中译版本。不过那个翻译……看了真想泪奔……直接用google搜索就可以下载到英文电子版本的。暂时还没在网上看到有卖的,确是一本讲行为科学的好书感觉这本书和现在流行的一美剧《lie to me》有异曲同工之妙。
booksincluding,WhatEveryBodyisSayingandLouderthanWords.10CommandmentsofObserving/DecodingNon-VerbalCommunication 1.Beacompetentobserverofyourenvironment(Concertedobservationisessential.Becomeawareoftheworldaroundyou;withconstantpracticeyoucandevelopbetterskills.)2.Observingincontextiskeytounderstandingnonverbalbehavior 3....
Wendy Buckey Adult ESOL Instructor Nov 2010 What Every Body Is Saying An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed Reading People by Joe Navarro w/ Marvin Karlins, Ph.D. 2008 Below is information about the book and following are my notes about important ‘tells’ listed in his writing: 10 Commandm...