Than the chap that he was licking, who just happened to be me; I could hit them with a brassie just as straight and just as far, But I piled up several sevens while he made a few in par; And he trimmed me to a finish, and I know the reason why: He could keep his temper be...
In recent years, his political affiliation has shifted to a more conservative point of view, and he explains what drove his change of heart. He cites the tenor of the media in Washington, D.C. and how it has impacted the way with which events and individuals are often portrayed. Mr. Hu...
JHC wasn’t talking about the fearful joy in rewitnessing its events at the cinema. “Times of trial sometimes prompt the craving for amusement,” s/he had argued. “In the beginning of the struggle the picture-houses were well patronise...
I happened to be present at their discovery. In an an:esthetised dog, a loop of jejunum was tied at both ends and the nerves supplying it dissected out and divided so that it was connected with the rest of the body only by its blood-vessels. On the introduction of some weak ...
in Seattle, Washington, chooses a rosy attitude about being a leapling. Growing up, she had normal birthday parties each year, but an extra special one when leap years rolled around. Since, as an adult, she marks that non-leap period between Feb. 28 and March 1 with a low-key “whew...
And you know what? I did. The juxtaposition between an average dude named Charlie (aka a former reporter turned substitute teacher) being thrust into the role of “Villian” overnight is outrageously funny, especially when encountering other “Villains” who remind me of those found in cartoons...
Further conflicts between parliament and the king led to removal of the Scottish house of Stuart in 1688. Bill of Rights was passed in 1689 and finally established parliament’s dominance over the throne. ①英格兰国教成立。亨利八世因离婚请求未受罗马教皇批准而与其决裂,成立英格兰国教,这就是著名的...
is a dramatized account of the true story of J.R.R. Tolkien, linguist and writer most famous forThe HobbitandThe Lord of the Rings- but how accurate is it to real life, and what happened next? Every biopic has to strike a careful balance between truth and fiction. On the one hand,...
Can’t tell you how this was done, just that it looks like that is what happened because the Ancient Global Civilization built everything on the planet. The same styles/designs cross oceans and continents, from ancient to modern!!! I am going to start at the beginning of my life, ...
“The signs were accumulating, all across the north of the country, far from the capital and its golden steeples, without our noticing their exact consequences. Vaguely we understood how, without really knowing why. Everything happened so quickly... We understood barely that a sort of different...