The bombing of Pearl Harbor prompted the United States to finally enter World War II. On December 7th, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the... Learn more about this topic: Bombing of Pearl Harbor | Cause, Effects & Significance ...
England desperately needs America to join the war but Wilson is determined to keep the country neutral. But the Germans are scheming to focus the US government on their southern boarder. Indeed, the majority of the story takes in North America and it’s fun to hear the reactions of Holmes ...
now stained with coagulated blood supposedly caused when her head banged against the steering wheel when she passed out. To add to the mystery, no suicide note was found and two different people said they saw her on Sunday – one being Roland’s wife Jewel Carmen, and another friend who cl...
How has the current state of the MCU been inflected by outside pressures like the shift to the Disney+ series format and one fandom’s reactions against a “woke” Walt Disney Company; hyperexploitation of creative labor within the commercial sf/f film/TV industry; the fracturing of the exis...
It is hard to overstate the impact of these long-ago events for today. The French national triumph meant the national humiliation of all her rivals. However, we cannot compare French hegemony during this time to that of the Nazis, or what would have followed a German conquest of Europe in...
As is obvious, the blog is on hiatus again while life events are on-going and I make revamping plans. Have wonderful year-end celebrations, whatever they are, and good luck to us all in the New Year! Leave a comment Filed underBlog Issues,Life ...
A prime example of this was the Jewmerican reactions to certain publicised events such as “Benghazi,” where “four Americans” were killed, one of which was a sold out Ambassador to Lybia who helped cover up Jewmerica’s coup torturing and killing Lybia’s great leader Muammar Gadaffi — ...
Will all those Evangelicals still vote for Donald Trump to be President of the United States of America? His life is run in contradiction to every moral uprightness and Biblical belief, to which they must subscribe. The Trump would indeed either with willing compliance or from Jewish coercion ...
Because of that, we have a world where America can fight two wars in parallel for a decade, and many Unitarian Universalists can live day-to-day without noticing it. All this is to say: if we are a people interested in the moral consequences of what our government does abroad, it’s ...
atthetable2015 What we learned in our kitchen. Be a lady they said.