the original query about promoting a love for the Eucharist is about bringing people to Jesus. But for some Protestants, what matters is so-called mere Christianity or the essential doctrines that every Christian must believe. They want people to at least believe the Jesus stuff and not worry ...
Lutherans believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. 5 Methodist Celebrates sacraments, with an emphasis on Baptism and Communion as means of grace and community. Methodists practice open Communion, inviting all believers to participate. 5 Lutheran Of or relating to the religious doc...
Are they unmoved when they see that Father has been interrupted so many times in so brief a span that he loses his place in the Eucharistic prayer and has to start over? I won’t say that they don’t care because I don’t know that. Experience shows that Father may and should reaso...
Each of the elements (bread and wine) of the Eucharist Communion in both kinds Kinda Yes in some respects but no in other respects. "Are you afraid of a little bit of rain?" "Kinda, yeah." Kind Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature He was very kind to me ...
After working through that, I then remembered that it is my birthright as a Catholic to celebrate Euchristeo fuller than full because I havetheEucharist… the full and total Thanksgiving in Christ and His Eternal, On-going, Complete sacrifice, found on every altar, every hour of every day....
but rather recollecting something that made you who you are, acknowledging our connective past and our mutually-embraced future. We do it every time we participate in the Eucharist. We do this in remembrance. The past becomes our present. The two are so intertwined that they cannot be disconne...
Martyrs of the Eucharist: Stories to Inspire Eucharistic Amazement. US HERE –UK HERE On The Demonic by Archbp. Fulton J. Sheen. US HERE –UK HERE No Apologies: Why Civilization Depends on the Strength of Men by Anthony Esolen US HERE –UK HERE John Fisher and Thomas More: Keeping Their...
May the Lord bless this altar rail to help foster a greater sense of the sacred and deeper appreciation of the Eucharist to all those who come here to receive His Divine Mercy, Who is so good to us, that He continues to pour out on us and the whole world His Blood and Water almost...
The Eucharistic mystery stands at the heart and center of the liturgy since it is the fount of life by which we are cleansed and strengthened to live not for ourselves but for God and to be united in love among ourselves. —Pope Paul VI ...
or the Eucharist among other names. Jesus’ disciples still commemorate His death this way. Now, Catholic Christians believe that during the Eucharist, the wafer and wine that Christ speaks of here materially and substantially, and through no small sacred mystery, become the body and blood of Ch...