Bee: Bees don’t want to use their stingers and the lose them and die when they do. They’ll only sting as a last resort if they or the nest is in immediate danger. Bees use their sting for protection where as wasps don’t. Wasp: Social wasps don’t seek people out to sting the...
Wondercide – Preventive Indoor Pest Control SprayWondercide uses natural, plant-based essential oils to naturally repel pests. Cruelty-Free. Dr. Killigans Non-Toxic Pest ControlSpecializes in non-toxic, natural products focused on removing ONLY the unwanted pests – not all insects. Large Bat Box ...
These scent pouches contain essential oils that create an odor that is overwhelming to rodents, but pleasant to people. When rodents smell the pouch, they don’t want to come anywhere near it and will avoid treated areas. By simply putting the pouch in your home, garage, basement, or ...
There are many types of natural bug repellents on the market, but not all of them work. The problem with plant-based bug repellents isn’t necessarily the ingredients; it’s that the oils they contain tend to evaporate quickly. It’s also important to note that some essential oils shouldn...
Then we could’ve prepared better. Learn from our naivety and protect your family with these deet-free wristbands. They naturally repel mosquitos using citronella, lemongrass, and other essential oils (which is way better than spraying respraying toxic fumes all day!) ...
If you’re not allergic to bees, you may want to consider planting this one. This one will attract lots of pollinators like bees, but the essential oils and aroma are a huge turn-off for blood-sucking mosquitoes. Scented Geranium
Another non-deet option is Badger bug spray which is highly rated by our readers. It has citronella, rosemary, and lemongrass essential oils, so it’s very gentle and reviewers say effective to keep insects away.Herbal Insect Repellent
If you’re not allergic to bees, you may want to consider planting this one. This one will attract lots of pollinators like bees, but the essential oils and aroma are a huge turn-off for blood-sucking mosquitoes. Scented Geranium
If you’re not allergic to bees, you may want to consider planting this one. This one will attract lots of pollinators like bees, but the essential oils and aroma are a huge turn-off for blood-sucking mosquitoes. Scented Geranium
If you’re not allergic to bees, you may want to consider planting this one. This one will attract lots of pollinators like bees, but the essential oils and aroma are a huge turn-off for blood-sucking mosquitoes. Scented Geranium