the thin outer protective layer of our teeth, needs to be strong and healthy to shield us from the corrosive effects of acid, which, in some food and drinks, canbe as corrosive as battery acid. When acid erodes enamel, it allows decay to set in. ...
discourage them from drinking sugary sodas that are terrible for teeth, which are full of empty calories, or from drinking sugary sports drinks. Diet soda is equally as bad for teeth because it is naturally acidic, which erodes tooth enamel. ...
If the acids stay on your tooth and are not brushed off, they dissolve minerals in the hard enamel. Over time, the enamel erodes or develops pits. These are too small to see at first, but they get larger over time. If the decayed enamel is left uncontrolled, the process will continue...
which is the erosion of tissue, gums and bone that support your teeth. The mouth just can’t hold the teeth any more so they fall out. This is the leading cause of tooth loss and if you never brushed your teeth, ...
Join By signing up, I confirm I am at least 18 years old and I agree to Colgate-Palmolive’s Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions; I agree to receive marketing and promotional emails and other communications from Colgate-Palmolive Company’s Family of Brands; ...
And remember how not brushing erodes areas of your mouth? Well, studies have shown that those pockets may serve as reservoirs for HPV and cancer-causing substances. Thankfully now, we have modern toothbrushes and floss to protect o...