What year was the cotton gin invented? What year was 3D printing invented? What year was the adding machine invented? What year was the trumpet invented? What year was the internet invented? What year was the flat hair iron invented?
Later, Ireland became the center of European linen production, and by the 18th century, the town of Belfast became known as “Linenopolis” because of its thriving line trade. Linen remained popular throughout the colonial era, but as cotton production became cheaper and easier, the central rol...
However, genuine chambray from France remained more prized than similar British fabrics, and even when Indian textiles were substituted for French chambray, this fabric was perceived to be more authentic when it was made in France. With the dawning of the industrial era, production of chambray ...
This occasion called for a beer, to celebrate and to contemplate the new order. It seemed that once again my daughter had birthed a baby so quickly that I never knew about it until the whole thing was over. Alright, instead of helping with preparations, I would now be in charge of ...
June 19, 1865, “Juneteenth,” was the day freedom finally came to the enslaved people of Texas, and is now celebrated as our second American independence day. But African Americans in eastern North Carolina, in counties already occupied by Federal troops, heard the news of the Emancipation ...
1923: Bathtub gin, demand deposit Wikimedia Commons 1923: Bathtub gin, demand deposit Other notable words: dial tone, endangered species, gross national product, photointerpretation, southern oscillation, ultrasound Home distilling of illegal alcohol, known as bathtub gin during the Prohibition era, me...
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In centuries past, all cotton was handpicked. Since picking cotton by hand is such a grueling and arduous process, the cotton gin was invented. Cotton gin stands for "cotton engine," and this industrial machine was one of the early heralds of the mass-production industrial era. The cotton...
Another was the spinning jenny, a contraption that could multiply the number of spindles that a single spinner could handle at the same time to weave cotton or wool.5 Perhaps the key invention of them all was the steam engine, an improved version of which was invented by Scottish engineer J...