Infinity is the idea of something that has no end. ... In our world we dont have anything like it. So we imagine traveling on and on, trying hard to get there, but that is not
if y to the power x = x to the power y, prove that dy/dx=y/x(y-xlogy/x-ylogx) What does it mean that an equation goes to infinity? Why/how does the exponent of 1/2 mean the square root? Explain. Explain the meaning of the notation R_2 \iff R_3 ...
Explain why any number to the zero power equals 1. What does the variable x in y = mx + b stand for? What does it mean for a variable to have a line on top of it? What is a non linear function? What is e raised to infinity?
(As it turns out, equals when is a projective curve, and more generally equals when is a projective curve with rational points deleted.) To evaluate , one needs to count the number of effective divisors of a given degree on the curve . Fortunately, there is a tool that is particularly...
Then equals when is a non-zero quadratic residue and when is a non-zero quadratic non-residue (and when is zero, but this is a negligible fraction of all ). In particular, in the asymptotic limit , is equal to half of the time and half of the time. Now we describe the asymptotic...
This gives [(1/3) / (1/3)], which equals 1. How do you interpret the elasticity coefficient?Here's how you can communicate the elasticity coefficient after your calculations: Unitary elastic demand: The elasticity coefficient is one. Inelastic demand: The elasticity coefficient is less than ...
Can you tell what b equals to for the exponential functions above? Which functions model growth? Which functions model decay? For 0.5 × 2x, b = 2 For y = -3 × 0.4x, b = 0.4 For ex, b = e and e = 2.71828For 10x, b = 10y = 8(1/5)x, b = 1/5 ...
Infinity divided by any finite number is infinity. Here are the rules: 1. Infinity divided by a finite number is infinite (I / f = I); 2. Any finite number divided by infinity is a number infinitesimally larger than, but never equal to, zero (f / I = 1 /
F1= 1 (applies only to the second integer) Fn= Fn-1+ Fn-2(applies to all other integers) The first two equations are essentially stating that the term in the first position equals 0 and the term in the second position equals 1. The third equation is a recursive formula, which means ...
The zero product rule (also called the zero product property) is a mathematical rule that involves a product being equal to zero. We can use the zero product property to solve equations of different kinds. Answer and Explanation: The zero product rule, or zero product property, states the fo...