What three elements can hydrogen bond with to create the IMF of hydrogen bonding between molecules? Dipole-Dipole Interactions: Adipole-dipole interactionis a type of intermolecular forces of attraction that exists in polar molecules. This is based on electrostatic inte...
What is the bonding capacity of hydrogen?Bonding Capacity:Bonding capacity refers to the number of chemical bonds that can be on an atom of a chemical element. Elements with a large bonding capacity are capable of forming multiple bonds.
Some aspects of the development of the concept of a hydrogen bond are discussed with a view to assessing its import on the general question.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-01306-0_26Paul NeedhamSpringer International Publishing
Learning Lab This problem has been solved! You'll get a detailed solution that helps you learn core concepts. See AnswerSee Answer Question: besides hydrogen bonding what are three other forces which help stabilize protein structure besides hydrogen bonding what are ...
Crude oil can be transformed into useable petrol and fuel by removing sulfur, which is possible by bonding hydrogen and sulfur. The bonding leads to the formation of hydrogen sulfide, which is easily extracted from the fuel by physiochemical separation. Uses in ammonia production Hydrogen is also...
Class 11CHEMISTRYCHEMICAL BONDING AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Similar Questions What is inert-pair effect? Illustrate with an example. View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class...
Hydrogen bonding also plays an important role in determining the three-dimensional structures adopted by proteins and nucleic acids. In these macromolecules, bonding between parts of the same macromolecule cause it to fold into a specific shape, which helps determine the molecule's physiological or bi...
What are isotopes ? Draw the structures of the isotopes of hydrogen. View Solution Double hydrogen bond occurs in DNA between View Solution How many hydrogen bond present between A and T, G and C respectively :- View Solution In double helix model of DNA, the number of hydrogen bonds formed...
A molecule is a group of two or more atoms joined by chemical bonds, whereas a compound is a substance formed by the chemical bonding of more than one type of element that exists in a fixed proportion.
What enzyme facilitates hydrogen bonding between nucleotides? What is the stereochemistry of amino acids? Which amino acids can be phosphorylated? What are proteins in biology? What is another name for a polypeptide? Which of the following amino acids can contribute to the three-dimensional structure...