It's the type of advice leaders fall prey to often. "Spend most of your time developing your weaknesses to become a stronger leader" -- when really, you couldacknowledge those weaknesses but use your strengthsto make up for them.
We are leaving in an ever-changing world. It is essential for leader to fully consider all the possible changing elements when making strategies for the team, and adjust or replenish his strategies according to any emergency situations. Unforeseen problems may happen any time during a project. Go...
I want to push the importance of self-regulation to leadership even further and make the case that it enhances integrity, which is not only a personal virtue but also an organizational strength. Many of the bad things that happen in companies are a function of impulsive behavior. People rarely...
Natural born abilities play an important role, but most of the elements of greatness are acquired, often through trials and tribulations. To be a great leader one needs first to become a positive person of sterling qualities. When it comes to leadership, character counts more than competence, a...
We’ll explore some of the mainelements of leadership, with a few examples, and then discuss the differences between leaders and managers. Seven Common Attributes of Great Leaders 1. They Promote a Compelling Vision What is leadership, you’re asking, beyond just standing at the front of the...
Attributes of great leaders Before revealing what makes a visionary leader, let’s review the attributes of great leaders. Many of these are not surprising because, on one level or another, we all sense when we see a great leader.
and again, I see individuals who feel stuck professionally. They understand that presence is a core element of leadership but are unsure of precisely what it means and how to achieve it. In their quest upward, they often overlook foundational elements that build and sustain this coveted pre...
a great deal of room in the service adoption field for this type of leader, so if this describes you, don't feel as though you immediately have to talk more. To the contrary, listening is a critical skill - you may be further ahead in developing that talent than those who are more ...
Don’t you believe itI’ll give Blair six and a half out of tenMultimediaBlair fashion galleryCherie Blair picture galleryBrookes on BlairAnd the children, of course, Euan and Nicky and Kathryn and Leo, who make me...
Each leader will act according to their unique situation. But there are at least four common ingredients for success in your first year.Don’t make it about you. The sudden attention and power can distort reality. The best CEOs don’t let this happen. Instead, they keep their minds ...