Free accurate Chinese horoscope calculator to find out your animal sign and element of birth according to the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
Your zodiac sign, element, and horoscope for 2025 are determined by your birth year. Use our Chinese zodiac calculator to discover your Chinese zodiac, elements, and predictions for 2025.
Your birth year element tells an important story. Maybe you're a nurturing Earth archetype or a dreamy and empathic Water. Here's how to tell.
Your social circle will thrive greatly as you become more involved with groups. Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo. Well figure out if youll be able to have a kid in 2022 based on planetary motions in all zodiac signs. The fifth house of creativity (and creation) is the most linked to pregnanc...
Chinese Zodiac Bad Luck Years Everyone has one trouble after another in life. Chinese zodiac inI Chingemphasizes torturing, conflicting and harming theTai Sui, the legendary God who is in charge of people's fortune in the year. As a result, every zodiac sign will torture, conflict and harm ...
The animal corresponding to the year you were born is only one part of your Chinese zodiac profile; the philosophy of the Five Elements is another. Drawn from the Chinese concept of Wu Xing, orFive Element Theory, this doesn’t refer to chemical elements, but to types of influencing energie...
Chinese New Year Traditions: Food (Source: Sharon McCutcheon/Unsplash) Food is an important element in Chinese New Year traditions. Certain foods are believed to bring good luck, and are either exchanged or shared during meals. Orange, for example, are believed to be lucky because the Chinese ...
Each year also has an element, and this year is the wood dragon. The wood tempers the dragon and makes it more introspective, Lau said. Wood also is associated with morality and ethics, and the dragon is an animal that likes to have a sense of purpose and duty. ...
Visit my sister site to learn more about theCancer Sign: Traits, Personality, & Characteristics. Leo Sign Leo Zodiac Birthday: July 23 – August 22 This sign's zodiac animal is the Lion. Leo's element is fire and the ruling planet the Sun. Lion loves to be center stage, having great ...
Cost:Admission is $8 Each year also has an element, and this year is the water rabbit. Water in general makes the animal more meditative, emotional and empathetic, Lau explains. Last year, the water toned down the fierceness of the Tiger, while this year, the water makes the rabbit mor...