In Oregon, it's legal for adults 21 and older to possess and use recreational marijuana… with limits.
States that legalized weed in 2024 Nebraska:Two ballot measures, one to legalize medical cannabis and one to create a government commission to regulate it,passed with more than 65% voter approval during the 2024 presidential election. However, they currently face court challenges due to the way s...
means learning about an ever-growing, sometimes bewildering array of psychedelic substances. My friends in the field have told me repeatedly about the potential of N,N-dimethyltryptamine, better known as DMT, a psychedelic substance only recently legalized in Oregon and Colorado ...
Federal law has not yet legalized medical or recreational marijuana. Cannabis businesses and grows face unique and complex regulatory situations when establishing the business and choosing the appropriate business structure. To get off the ground, cannabis businesses must typically obtain financing, secure...
past trauma, without experiencing the overwhelming fear or mistrust that can so often stop them in their tracks. But as is true of any medication, psychedelics may not be suitable for everyone, and once legalized, they’re subject to the same checks and balances as other pharmaceutical drugs....
Shrooms can have a powerful effect on the brain, and while many people seek out these experiences, others find them unnerving—which is why both drugs should be dosed carefully. Large doses can be overwhelming. Do shrooms have side effects?
some or all commonly microdosed substances are criminalized as Schedule I drugs. This means that selling, consuming, and purchasing that substance is illegal and that users risk addiction. That said, some states have legalized certain substances, like ketamine and cannabis, making microdosing more ...
A study in Colorado—which is one of the states where marijuana is legal for both medical and recreational uses—indicated thatcar accidents increased by 10 percentafter the drug was legalized in the state. However, another study—involving Colorado, Oregon, and Washington, which are all marij...
The Yankees third baseman is coming off a season-long suspension in 2014 for his use of performance-enhancing drugs and his involvement with Biogenesis. It’s an interesting move, but one that the beleaguered former MVP attempts to justify in his letter. ...
A truffle hog is any domestic pig used for locating and extracting the fruit bodies of the fungi known as truffles from temperate forests in Europe and North