8 drugs for conscious sedation The drugs that are commonly used for procedural sedation and analgesia include the following: Midazolam Midazolam is abenzodiazepineclass of drug that is used for both adults and children. Advantages of midazolam include: ...
Which of the following drugs when used for prolonged period in the maintenance treatment of tonic-clonic seizures can lead to increased metabolism of warfarin like drugs? a) Phenobarbital b) Meprobamate c) Chlordiazepoxide d) Triazolam e) Zolpidem ...
Sedative and analgesic drugs and their doses are primarily based on the child’s weight, but are individualized according to the child’s need. Pediatric sedation is a procedure to relax a child before painful or unpleasant medical procedures. Pediatric sedation is a procedure to relax a child ...
Drugs (substances) that affect the central nervous system and alter perception, mood, and behavior are known as psychoactive substances. Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped according to whether they are stimulants, depressants, or hallucinogens(幻觉剂). Stimulants initially speed up or activate...
多次做心电图为窦性心律。未出现过下肢水肿。为明确心脏瓣膜有无病变,下列哪项检查最有临床价值 ( )A、心导管检查B、超声心动图检查C、心脏核磁检查D、心脏活检E、心脏核素检查经检查患者存在轻度二尖瓣狭窄,支持诊断的依据应是 ( )A、第一心音亢进、闻及开瓣音B、第一心音亢进、闻及喀嚓音C、第一心音减弱...
What are some other treatments for ACS?In addition to medicines, your healthcare provider or she may recommend a procedure or surgery. He or she can explain the benefits and risks of each treatment. The following are commonly used to treat ACS:...
Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve), both in the NSAID class of drugs, are other popular OTC medications used for fever and pain. NSAIDs are also effective for inflammatory pain.Aspirin, known commonly as the brand name Bayer Aspirin, is used for pain, fever and inflammation ...
What are the two classifications of vitamins? What classification is Tramadol? What is medical marijuana commonly used to treat? What is a hypnotic drug? What are emergency drugs? What is the classification of ibuprofen? What are the effects of anticholinergic drugs?
b. bath salts c. LSD d. MDMA Recreational Drugs: Drugs of abuse are psychoactive compounds with a high potential to be misused due to their addictive potential, subjective effects, or self-medication. These drugs function by altering the...
A blockbuster drug is an extremely populardrugthat generates annual sales of at least $1 billion for the company that sells it. Examples of blockbuster drugs include Vioxx, Lipitor, and Zoloft. Blockbuster drugs are commonly used to treat common medical problems like high cholesterol, diabetes, hi...