Dealing with teenagers who abuse steroids: these drugs are addictive and can cause lasting harm. Two experts tell what to do when you suspect an adolescent patient may be using them.(FEATURE)(Interview)Sherman, CarlAchar, SurajMorse, Eric...
Common addictions1alcohol, cigarettes, food, drugs, gambling, etc. This article discussesthe concepts which can be helpful in coping with addictive behavior.Relatively 2addictions, such as watching too much television, orlying in bed on weekend mornings, are often not even considered addictions,...
Drugs are classified into five distinct schedules that weigh medical benefits against their potential for abuse as called for by Congress in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Explore the drug classification process, and discover examples of Schedule...
Official answer: Vyxeos contains a fixed-dose combination of daunorubicin and cytarabine, two chemotherapy (cancer) drugs, surrounded by...
Caffeine is a stimulant and also activates the brain's reward system, but to a much lesser degree than addictive drugs. The "reward" can make people feel more alert, and frequent users can develop mild withdrawal symptoms when they stop, including headaches and tiredness. Caffeine-containing ch...
The person is drawn back to the addictive behavior. It’s very much like the “moth being drawn to the flame.” So why doesn’t the addict stop what they are doing due to the consequences? Some people actually do. I have seen people quit smoking,drinking, and even doing hard drugs ju...
In terms of the biochemistry of opioid dependence, the main reason opiate drugs are highly addictive is that they bind toin the brain. These receptors are designed for a molecule known as endorphin, which increases feelings of pleasure and decreases feelings of pain. On administration, the opiate...
Hypnotic drugs are medications used to cause sleepiness or promote calm. The main types of hypnotic drugs are benzodiazepines...
some people are more susceptible to addiction and why it can be so difficult to treat, let’s take a look at how addictive drugs affect the body. 截至2021 年,全球约有超过3600 万人有物质使用障碍。这种情况包 括了一系列药物使用模式,会给人的生活带来问题,其中更严重的是 ...
a. marijuana b. bath salts c. LSD d. MDMA Recreational Drugs: Drugs of abuse are psychoactive compounds with a high potential to be misused due to their addictive potential, subjective effects, or self-medication. These drugs function b...