With the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) approvals of sipuleucel-T, cabazitaxel, and abiraterone acetate, all based on improvement in overall survival, the landscape for management of men with metastatic CRPC has dramatically changed. In this review we will discuss the pivotal...
“The Prostate Cancer Foundation is proud to have funded the initial discovery of enzalutamide at UCLA, as well as the early translational research into the clinic that led to the development of this entire large class of more potent androgen receptor-targeting drugs,” Simons said. “Th...
Additionally, although binimetinib has the chance to be the first drug approved to treat NRAS mutant melanoma, it will still face hefty competition from the PD-1 inhibitors Keytruda and Opdivo, and the PFS benefit reported for NEMO may not be enough to overtakeimmunotherapyin this indication. I...