What is a good download speed?The higher the download speed, the faster your internet should be. The average broadband speed in the UK is 81.7Mbps, but not many households will need anything faster than this.What constitutes a ‘good’ speed will vary depending on individual circumstances, ...
A good download speed is determined completely by what online activities you want to use your device for. Generally, a download speed of 10Mbps works sufficiently for online activities as described above. However, some activities require higher download speeds. Video streaming from Netflix, Hulu, ...
Download speed refers to the speed at which your internet connection is able to retrieve data from the internet. Upload speed refers to the speed that your internet connection can allow data to be sent from your devices to the internet. When purchasing internet packages, it’s often the downl...
A good download speed is at least 100Mbps, and a good upload speed is at least 10 Mbps. With 100Mbps, you can stream movies, attend Zoom meetings, and play games online all on several devices at the same time. Some people can get away with fewer Mbps, and others need more. If 100...
A 150Mbps broadband connection is faster than the UK’s average home broadband service which has a download speed of 63Mbps. With a download speed of 150Mbps, you can do almost anything you’d like to do at the same time on the internet, on multiple devices at the same time. For inst...
what’s more important for a good Talk experience, ping or up/download speed? what is an acceptable range for ping/up/down to get a good Talk experience? Thanks for reading =) anon715406982 A simple answer: ping is more important since it (approximately) reflects latency. ...
To understand the difference between download and upload speeds, you first have to take a look at how internet speed is measured. It's all about how fast data can transfer to or from your computer, which measures in megabits of data that can be transferred per second (Mbps). ...
When I am downloading from utorrent, or when I installed the Unity engine through Unity's installer, my download speed was fine. Things that I have tried: Running the test on speedtest.net. It says that my download speed is 18MB/s and upload speed is 1Mb/s. Of course this doesn't ...
In general, a good internet speed is at least 100 megabits per second (Mbps) for downloads, and ideally for uploads as well. However, many people are satisfied with slower uploads of around 35 Mbps. That said, a “good” speed really depends on how you and your family use the internet...
Pretty fast download speed here... 4x4 GB files are downloaded in a few min, at least for the huge games. Some small games seems to be slower... but it will not take forever, for me. vv221 ./play.it developer vv221查看用户信息查看愿望单开始会话自的用户该用户的愿望单不是公开的。由于...