Drunk or drugged driving can be either a misdemeanor or a felony crime depending on the whether or not the charge is a 1st time offense, or if there were injuries or an accident was involved. There are certain factors that can determine whether you will be charged with misdemeanor or felony...
Such challenging instances demand litigation attorneys with the expertise to counsel purchasers by way of troublesome issues and the fortitude to bring a case to trial if that’s the necessary course. Our lawyers have experience in a variety of substantive areas together with securities, felony legis...
There is a serious and deeply disturbing pattern of looking the other way at crime in order to gain a business advantage at JPMorgan Chase under its long-tenured Chairman and CEO, Jamie Dimon. The bank hasadmitted to an unprecedented five criminal ...
Whether a person will be charged with a crime depends on the amount of the fraud. Generally speaking, food stamp fraud involving more than $100 in benefits is considered a felony. This means that a person undertaking the fraud may end up with prison time as a result. Misdemeanor charges ...
own recognizance or for a specific dollar amount, and offering evidence to support the request. The prosecution will then either agree with the request or offer an alternative request along with supporting evidence. Finally, the judge will render a decision and set the amount if bail is granted...
The legal penalties for copyright infringement are: Infringer pays the actual dollar amount of damages and profits. The law provides a range from $200 to $150,000
the RIAA’s new memory-wiping technology by actually remembering songs will be charged with felony crimes under provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The Act, passed in 1998, makes it a felony crime to circumvent copyright protection technologies. The RIAA’s position is that ...
only counties to dump the list after questioning its accuracy. Madison County's elections supervisor, Linda Howell, had a peculiarly personal reason for distrusting the central voter file: She had received a letter saying that since she had committed a felony, she would not be allowed to vote...
Unlike a dollar, which is an asset to you but a liability of some other entity, you can hold gold which is an asset to you and a liability to nobody else. Under gold standard systems, currency represented a claim for money. The bank would pay the bearer on demand if they came to ...
is a disservice, becausecriticisms of weight can motivate overweigh people to improve their bodies and, ultimately, their health. One difficulty with this argument against body positivity lies in the assumption that bigger bodies are not healthy, but “bigger” is subjective. What is considered “...