Why do dogs tend to react aggressively whenever they see the mailman or UPS guy? Learn about this behavior and some strategies to reduce the problem.
I like the analogy of a dimmer switch, by which the light is turned down but not off. It has been shown in rodents but not yet in dogs and cats that a male fetus flanked on either side by other male fetuses can be "super-masculinized" by transamniotic transfer of small amounts test...
What about all those DIY natural dog breath freshener recipes you can find online? They’re simply masking bad breath, rather than getting to the root of the problem. Additionally, many of them contain mint, which is a taste that dogs just don’t like. Types of Dog Breath Fresheners Pet...
Why Some Dogs Really Hate Fireworks And What You Can Do About ItMia Cobb
Arrangement of dogs. Introduction of the history of the school and all its departments, the use of library rules and the calculations. You plan may include activities such as the new student pick up. Welcome, Sarah. Arrangement of doms. Introducing of the history of the school and all its ...
Is Eating Poop Dangerous for Dogs? For humans, eating poop is a big no-no. But, is it really that bad for your dog to eat poop? The answer is: it depends. If they eat their own poop, it’s no problem at all. However, other dogs’ poop or another animal’s poop could be cont...
Well, here’s my answer at the moment: I almost never use the term “dominance” any more when talking about relationships between dogs. The term is so loaded and so mis-understood that it rarely feels useful in any way. However, and this is a big however, I still think that the ...
Why do dogs love humans? Why are dogs so loving and affectionate? Why do dogs follow their owners around? Why do female dogs hump? Why do dogs not like their tails touched? Why do dogs bow? Why do dogs beg? Why are people allergic to dogs?
I don’t hate all vegans. I do definitely hate the ones who care more about being self-righteous than about actually looking at facts, facing reality, and realizing that your way is not the only way or the best way. I also, more than anything, hate zealots, and a lot of vegans qua...
More About This Book Inside of a Dog -- Young Readers Edition: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know Alexandra Horowitz Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking? Learn why dogs smell so excessively, seem to predict your every move, and stare at you for for an awkward amount of time....