23 hehadadog,Molly,andacat,Flora.WhileI was 24 thathewasananimallover,I 25 thatthreedogswereperhapstoomany,andmydogs mightattack 26 ,thecat. Thenextweekwe 27 ourdogstogether.It wasahotday.Whenwepausedtocatchour 28 , Stevegotdownononeknee.Washeproposing(求 婚)? Ilikedhimtoo,butso 29 ?
While the chances for a white Christmas in Massachusetts this year are slim, never say never. We all know that forecasts can change on a dime and New England weather at times can be unpredictable. A Boston, or Worcester Christmas can look totally different than Springfield or the Berkshires ...
Like a few other items on this list, the origins of the corn dog are widely disputed. Some claim it first appeared at a Texas state fair in 1942, and others claim a version of a corn dog called a Pronto Pup appeared on Labor Day 1939 in Portland, Oregon. Either way, this is a on...
But it’s less about controlling the land itself and more about indicating that others are not allowed to use it. “My dog can poop on my lawn, but your dog can’t.” It’s a social arrangement that mediates my freedom within my own domain at the expense of your ability to act ...
the dog supplement from Dinovite. Dinovite products come with a full money-back guarantee and a 90-day trial period. Per the manufacturer’s instructions, you should feed your cat Dinovite for 90 days then return it to Dinovite for a full refund if you are not happy with the results. This...
The ban does NOT apply to what your are using currently. However, restaurants and stores with an existing inventory of styrofoam will have to stop distributug it. Customers are encouraged to let the Department of Ecology know if a business is still using EPS products....
Dogs are technically classified as carnivores; however, they do exceedingly well as omnivores too, and there are many examples of dogs living long, healthy lives as vegetarians. An adult dog needs fats (energy and vitamins), carbohydrates (energy), vitamins, and proteins, all of which should ...
The pet food recall of 2007 involved primarily wet food, but there were some dry foods also recalled. Also, it wasn't just products designated as cat food or dog food that were involved. Products known by various names, such as snacks, morsels, or treats were also contaminated. ...
You can't believe how much it has helped. I've had friends come over (I'm just a single guy with a dog - but looking for the right woman) and rave about the meals I prepared for them. It's not all that hard if you just follow the directions. In the end I have to tell ...
“What is the price for decades of living alone without companionship, for having no one to cook dinner with, no one to walk your dog with, no one to watch TV with, and for feeling for decades like you are dirty and unworthy,” Kaplan said. “I’m not going to put a number on ...