Lena schaut aus dem Fenster und versucht zu erraten, in welche Richtung sie wohl fieten werden. Zu Oma? In die Berge oder ans Perk? Vielleicht sogar bis nach China? Lars dagegen langweilt sich bereits, als das Wohnmobil die Autobahn erreicht hat. Zum Glück hat er vorgesorgt und seine...
>>> int(True) 1 >>> True + 1 # Nicht relevant für dieses Beispiel, aber trotzdem nur zum Spaß 2 So wird 1 < 1 zu False ausgewertet▶ Wie man den is Operator nicht nutztDas folgende Beispiel ist im Internet überall bekannt.1.>...
Another problematic sentence is this: “As long as the public is willing to keep on lending to the government there is no difficulty…”. However, the logic that follows is sound. If the public does not want to buy government bonds, they can keep the money or spend it. If they keep i...
Why did the theses-posting emerge and then endure as the defining moment in early modern Reformation history, and what does its lasting importance in the narrative say about Lutheran modes of remembrance and interpretation? Before answering these questions, it is worth pointing out that there were ...
Further, the present study does not allow any generally valid categorical statements to be made about high or low resilience. Future studies should investigate the extent to which resilience can be classified as low or high resilience. 5. Conclusions Resilience is relevant for mental health and ...