Sun Enters Pisces Our finalsign of the zodiac, Pisces takes us into the closure of a cycle and helps us meet ourselves through reflecting and integrating, releasing and dreaming, surrendering and healing. Pisces is about intuition, imagination, compassion, and art. It is a season asking for su...
Zodiac Signs In Love As it turns out, your particular signcanhave an impact on anything from the people who find you attractive to the types of relationships that keep you satisfied in the long term. So, if you’re feeling stuck, frustrated or unsatisfied recently, learning more about your ...
Balance, justice, fairness, equity: all values associated with Libra, more commonly known as the most boring sign in the entire zodiac. Some think that Libra’s obsession with equilibrium manifests as indecisiveness and flakiness. That’s not true. It manifests as being incredibly boring. Libras...
Discover what the 12 Zodiac Signs really mean! Select your star sign from the navigation menu at the top, or scroll up to see which Zodiac Sign each planet falls into today. If you are looking looking for the dates the zodiac signs, there is a table half up the page. Everyday, Horosc...
Being a double sign doesn’t mean you have a superpower, but it does mean that of the 3 major indicators, 2 being the same likely makes you much stronger in that sign’s characteristics. Melissa the double Taurus exhibits most Taurus traits in her personal life, but her Pisces Ascendant ...
Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): These signs bring the end of the season, which means they exert their energy into completing tasks. They also take on the sentiments of others, since they are flexible. What does my signature sign mean?
What is your Zodiac sign? A. Cancer B. Capricorn C. Pisces D. None of the above Rate this question: 9. What is your ideal holiday destination? A. Mountains B. Beaches C. Any popular resort with beautiful pool D. Any popular city Rate this question: 10. What is yo...
The quick and adaptable mind ofGeminicoupled with the imagination and intuition of Pisces make these people some of the most perceptive of the zodiac.Their lives will be constantly changing, and that’s just the way they like it! Their natural curiosity will drive people with this sign combinat...
So, with the spiritual help of Lisa, we've broken down items that can help guide you through Cancer season, according to your zodiac sign. Because the month head promises significant upheavals, according to Lisa. Adding, "For some in earthquake zones, this could be literal, while...
Unfortunately the gayest zodiac sign is Gemini. I don’t want this to be true anymore than you do, but it is what it is, my loves. Is it because they love to gossip, is it because they throw the best parties, is it because they’re messy and dramatic, is it because they always ...