If you're playing by yourself, you can try to use this gun to get some distance between you and the enemy, but this doesn't make much difference. The best use for the Zap Gun is to stun an enemy like Brackenwhile your teammate uses the Shovel to beat it to death. Lethal Company: ...
Now that you know to hopefully avoid the Eclipsed planets, be sure to check out our other Lethal Company guides to help you stay alive on your next expedition in the section below. We’ll help you get your hands on the Zap Gun and let you in on some secrets to avoid the terrifying ...
Lethal Company: How To Maximize Profits When Selling Getting the most money is important to fulfill the quota when you're selling to the Lethal Company, and here's how you can do it. One of these weather effects is called Eclipsed, and as you'd expect, you get to face the Eclipsed mo...