"version": "1.0.0", "signature": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.ewoJInVpZCI6ImgyYTIwIiwKCSJyZWNpcGllbnQiOgoJewoJCSJ0eXBlIjoiZW1haWwiLAoJCSJoYXNoZWQiOnRydWUsCgkJInNhbHQiOiJkZWFkc2VhIiwKCQkiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJzaGEyNTYkYzdjMjUzNjU0YTZhNzc4YWE2ZTUzOGU5NmMxNWM3NGJlNDgyMDg4MmRmNWNkODU1YzBmYWJjMzliNzUz...
However, it should be kept in mind that not all public relations practitioners belong to professional organizations, and even if they do, it does not mean that they use the rules as guidelines. At the same time, public relations practitioners may not be trained in ethical decision-making ...
The AYMB Web site was needed, Hewson said, because, while there was no shortage of resources available to Aboriginal youth wanting to start up businesses in Manitoba, information about those resources didn't seem to be getting out. Hewson said the AYMB was first launched about three years ag...
Seems like it used to be that A was for K-12 while E was for Higher Ed. Further, what's the upgrade path if we want more options? It used to be E to E3 to E5. Is it now A1 to A3 to A5? And, does the \"Plus\" mean it's A1 with ProPlus?
I've got a card in QA at PSA right now listed as a factory misprint. What does that actually mean? This is a card that has been graded by PSA before but it is rare. Thanks for any insight. Anything I can do to change this status and have it graded?
Today at Ignite, we are announcing innovation coming to Microsoft Teams to help people connect, collaborate, and accomplish more together!
But unlike other gems, where a low quality stone may still last generation to generation, this is not the case with poorqualitypearlsif by 'poorqual- ity" we mean thin-nacre In my opinion, none of.the.'quality' factors reports on pearls, most labs indi- cate only whether or not the ...