Does this result mean that minkube is in fact a container, a running image, as the definition of a container states? Please excuse the simplicity and elementary nature of this question. I think it might be useful for newbs to have a discussion thread that starts at the very absolute begin...
A software-defined data center (SDDC) is an IT management approach that abstracts traditional infrastructure components—such as compute, storage, and networking—and delivers them as software services. Automation and management resources Featured product ...
Azure Container Registry (ACR)supports multi-region registries and authenticates with Active Directory. It supports only private repositories and does not provide automated image building. CoreOS Quaysupports OAuth and LDAP authentication. It offers both (paid) private and (free) public repositories, a...
We all have our little problems, we can not go on like this, Erin. I mean we should be a break, you always make me hurt you like poison, opium. I went through a lot of sad vulnerability, you do not belong to me, you love me does not exist. I think it is now a nightmare fo...
Why does this work? Because this will define the variable inside the function's scope. It will no longer go to the surrounding (global) scope to look up the variables value but will create a local variable that stores the value of x at that point in time.funcs = [] for x in range...
Of course, the whole procedure could be automated, I mean if the script detects the issue, could restart my init.d script controlling barnyard2 (in my case it controls snortd and barnyard2 at the same time) but wth will I do that… Just login and start the process is enough in my ...
Now, what does assembled really mean? So if you look at how CI-CD automation’s done today, in most cases, it’s highly custom scripted. So you have all these fragile scripts that can break very easily, it’s very difficult to scale and so on....
Key question:Does your team need the flexibility to customize environments or avoid vendor lock-in? If your team values flexibility and the ability to freely manage environments, switching to Miniforge or Mamba can provide more customization options while avoiding the costs associated with Anaconda Dis...
I'm using figaro, so configuration.yml (I've replaced the actual key values): PUBLISHABLE_KEY: "sk_test_key" SECRET_KEY: "pk_test_key" You incorrectly set the key values. Was: PUBLISHABLE_KEY:"sk_test_key"SECRET_KEY:"pk_test_key" ...
foremean foremilk foremost forename forenoon forensic forepart forepast forepaws forepeak foreplan foreplay forerank foreread foreruns foresaid foresail foresays foreseen foreseer foresees foreshew foreship foreshow foreside foreskin foreslow forestal forestay forested forester forestry foretell foretime ...