-(이)라고, what does this mean?这个在 韩语 里怎么说? AI_monga 6月23日 Formal Korean: -(이)라고, 이게 무슨 뜻이에요? 复制 Casual Korean: -(이)라고, 이게 뭐야? 复制 Explanation: In the formal translation, the expression "무슨 뜻이에요...
verb "가다, 오다".Ex) "병원으로 가다" means "go ✌️to✌️ the hospital"But "찐으로" is exception. I suggest you to not split it to "찐" and "으로". It's good for your mental health. Korean is very difficult to native korean sometimes,,,It...
KoreanFrom KurdishFrom KyrgyzFrom LaoFrom LatinFrom LatvianFrom LithuanianFrom LuxembourgishFrom MacedonianFrom MalagasyFrom MalayFrom MalayalamFrom MalteseFrom MaoriFrom MarathiFrom MongolianFrom BurmeseFrom NepaliFrom NorwegianFrom PolishFrom PortugueseFrom PunjabiFrom RomanianFrom RussianFrom SamoanFrom Scots ...
What does나이트(naiteu) mean in Korean? English Translation night More meanings for 나이트 (naiteu) knightnoun 기사,용사,회원,중세의 기사,나이트작 Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from ...
mcphailaniyah 2018年1月24日 英语(美国) 韩语 关于韩语(韓文) 的问题 what does what time is it mean in korean 是什么意思? 查看翻译 mcphailaniyah 2018年1月24日 英语(美国) @xdhhdeyj thank you☺ 查看翻译 [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需...
Korean songs' lyrics are not at all worth analyzing imo lol And yes "꿈꾸듯 지나버린 긴 밤을 보냈던 나" is one whole sentence.꿈꾸듯 지나버린 긴 밤 : a long night that went by dreamily.보냈다 : had나 : I I can't.. what the heck ...
it means you don't know if the time will be enough. 애매하다 means you're not sure, not clear we use it when we have limited time to do something but you don't know if you can do it in time 10시까지 가야하는데 시간이 애
What does - mean = -이/가 무슨 뜻이에요? What is - = -이/가 뭐에요? Do you know how to say -in Korean? = 한국어로 -를 뭐라고 하나요?
这个在 韩语 里怎么说? /how to write “ taineda “ in korean and what does it mean ? in Korean? 这个在 韩语 里怎么说? What does “hyu-kye-so” mean and how do you write it in Korean? 这个在 韩语 里怎么说? How do you say ‘something’ in Korean? 这个在 韩语 里怎么说?
If you could give me an example in Korean I'll be so thankful Panthalassa 2021年5月11日 韩语 명실상부(名實相符) 1. 이름과 실상(實相)이 서로 들어맞음 2. 알려진 것과 실제(實際)의 상황(狀況)이나 능력(能力)에 차이(差異)가...