What does SEXT mean? SEXT is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the SEXT definition is given. Other terms relating to 'send': ·PINGSend a packet to a computer and wait for its return (Packet INternet Groper) ...
What Does BBW Mean in a Text? home▸love & dating▸UNCUFFING The Growing Glossary of Dating Slang If you're new to online dating, then I'm afraid there is whole new language with well over 250 terms for you to learn. Particularly since the rise of the iKids, people have been ...
So far, we've explored several facets of what the 'X' could mean in texting. But what do the experts say? Dr. John A. Smith, a linguistics professor at Oxford University, suggests that the 'X' serves as a "textual tone modifier." In layman's terms, it alters the mood of the mes...
What Does UST Mean in Slang? Origin of UST UST Examples in Conversations, Texting, and Social Posts In Texting In Social Posts In Conversations UST Terminology Synonyms of UST Other Meanings of UST 8 SHARES While the slang term “ust” may look like a typo where someone has simply missed ...
What Does ASF Mean in a Text?home▸love & dating▸ASFThe Quick Answer ASF usually means "As F*ck" when used in chat forums or texting, but it can also mean "Age, Sex, From" or "And So Forth." More DetailsAs F*ck The most common definition ASF is "As F*ck." It is ...
What does BFFR mean? The abbreviation bffr stands for “be fucking for real.” It is often used to accuse someone of lying or exaggerating or to react negatively to something. The abbreviation bffr is most often used in texting and on social media. It is often used to call out another...
TBH is just the tip of the iceberg as far as popular slang terms are concerned. Teens these days use a variety of abbreviations. While it’s not necessarily to keep their conversations private, it’s good to know what the following terms mean: ...
What Does Texting Mean? Texting is a slang term that refers to the creation and transmission of short electronic text messages between two or more mobile device users over a network. This usually means sending messages with no more than 100 characters, although it has now been extended to ...
In other words, what do these terms mean, and which option is right for you? The information below can answer some key questions regarding this terminology. If you are in the market for a new computer or hard drive (whether internal or external), read further so that you can make an in...
this includes hd, full hd, and ultra hd. what do these terms mean, and which resolution is right for you? what is full hd? full hd refers to 1080p image resolution . full hd is the standard resolution for blu-ray, digital television, and most hd videos found online, like those on ...