WYM is an acronym which means: What you mean, or What do you mean? It can also stand for What your Mom (Mum) said, or Watch your Mouth. You would use this acronym only in texting or on social media. Background WYM is considered a cyber speak word that is used in messages between...
What does the acronym COALBURNER mean? What does COALBURNER stand for in texting talk? What's the acronym COALBURNER mean in online chat? Answer Question 0 1inLanguage & ReferenceReport
What Did We Say before Texting and Social Media? The use of AWW as an expression of approval or sympathy long pre-dates the digital era. Example of AWW Used in a TexttranslateAWW s^ WDYT? IDKWYM GWI! Sorry!We don't have a better phone conversation to explain this entry. Perhaps...
Learning more about the usage of WYM on these platforms can help users better understand conversations. Table of Contents What Does WYM Mean? WYM is an internet slang word that stands for “what you mean.”Many people use the abbreviation WYM in online conversations, particularly in chat rooms ...
Means"what do youmean". Used in texts.Wdymyou couldn't meet with Queenie at Starbucks? You planned it like two weeks ago! ... WDYM” stands for “What do youmean”. So think about it. Pretend you're texting someone and ask “what does “WDYM”mean?” ...
When in doubt, adopt a more formal tone, and write out the full form of LMK instead. You can use ProWritingAid to help you with formal communication. Run theAcronyms Reportto highlight all of your internet slang likeLMK,TBA,WYM, andOFC, so you can replace them with their full forms....
What is the meaning of ITWYM? What does the abbreviation IFFY mean? What does CD-RW mean in text? What does Epic Fail stand for in internet slang? What does SZN mean? What does TIC mean when texting? What does WDYG mean in text? What does World'S Best Rappers List mean in online...