What Does WTH Mean in a Text?home▸search w▸WTHThe Quick Answer WTH most often means "What The Hell/Heck?", but it can also mean "Who The Hell/Heck?" or "Where The Hell/Heck?". What The Hell/Heck? The abbreviation WTH is most commonly used as a rhetorical question, with ...
Let's say you're having a good convo with your BFF, texting about your new crush on the kid who sits behind you in science class and how you're too scared to talk to them, but then your friend replies, "smh." Um, huh?! What does that mean? Are they judging you or something?
Stg, also written as STG, is a text abbreviation that stands for “swear to God” and is used to express passionate belief or intense exasperation, as in I stg
You might have encountered WYM on social media and wondered what does WYM mean? It stands for “what you mean.” It is a slang term used on social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter. [Quiz] Understanding Confusing Texting Acronyms Test your knowledge of some of the m...
WTF – What The F— WTH – What The Heck IHML – I Hate My Life LNF – Life’s Not Fair Overall, SML is a piece of internet slang that can stand for “screw my life” or “story of my life. It is also a common expression in the Philippines that can be used to mean “so ...
What doesFWmean? In email,FWtypically refers toforwardinga message. In internet slang,FWstands forfuck with. Where does FW come from? Emailforwardinghas existed since at least the 1980s, though email itself is older.Forwardinginvolves sending an email or email thread to a recipient not original...
IMHO Definitions include: acronym for "in my humble opinion". (show 278 more) Slang terms with the same root words Other terms relating to 'god': bow down before the porcelain god Definitions include: to vomit into a toilet. bow down to the porcelain god Definitions include: also "bow do...
WTF Definitions include: acronym for "what the fuck?". (show 278 more) Other terms relating to 'good, okay, cool, awesome, fun': nifty Definitions include:cool. wahey Definitions include: an exclamation like "Cool" or "Awesome."
Debatable. But she does boast some cute, old-school romance vibes, no? Toss this one in when you’re going for flirty, but not basic. This is the emoji to throw out when you want to leave ’em guessing—but, you know, in a fun way, not a “Wait, WTF is that?” way....
in my time and even with my beer goggles on, I saw enough average to ugly women. Maybe this writer has never been to one. Being good at applying false eyelashes and makeup does not make one 'good-looking.' That said, I have never understood the allure of th...