wsg WSG[duhb-uhl-yoo es jee ] September 22, 2023 What doeswsgmean? Wsgis an acronym that stands for “What’s good?” Wsgis used as a shorthand for the phrase “What’s good?” to ask other people how their life is going. You might also ask “What’s up?” or “How’s it...
READ:What Does WSG Mean On Snapchat, Texting & TikTok? [Explained] They would add subtitles and make it appear as if he is laughing at something funny that has just transpired. If you look at thisTwitch emote, it bears the face of none other than El Resitas as sort of a tribute to...
WSG (What's good?)Send Encrypted MessagesThis video shows how to send encrypted messages on Cyber Definitions.Help Us Improve Cyber Definitions Do you disagree with something on this page? Did you spot a typo? Do you know a slang term that we've missed? Please tell us using this form.Sh...
When I write HRU, I mean this:HRU is a very common way of asking "How are you?".Summary of Key Points We have summarized the key points in the table below: HRU Definition: How Are You? Type: Abbreviation Guessability: 2: Quite easy to guess Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers...