As winnowed rice is purified from husk, So is the soul disburdened of its sheaths By force of meditation5, as by threshing (15). 1Cf. Shakspeare's 'We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep, ‘Tempest, Act iv. Scene 1. ...
These modern definitions of public health have been winnowed down to vaguer and less value-laden language that avoids committing adherents to specific courses of action and allows application of the label of public health to politically or value-divergent projects. The foundation of public health, ...
v.winnow tā jiāng jīn zi cóng ní shā zhōng bǒ yáng chū qu 她将金子从泥沙中簸扬出去。 She winnowed the gold out of the sand. Hot words today 情人节Valentine's Day 年龄age 技巧skill; #$ 啊sign of pause in the middle of a sentence to draw attention to what one is going to...
Once the dealer finally has winnowed down the specials to the right vehicles, they’re finding that posting those specials across all of the different marketing assets is even more stressful. Add on top of that the fact that specials change daily, and you have a huge headache that either tak...
Named an American Bar Association “Top 100 Leading Legal Blogs in the World.” Blog listed in “7 Websites to Boost Your Legal Technology Competence” Writing regularly appears in Forbes, Bloomberg, American Bar Association Journal, Canadian Bar Association Journal, and more....
but he only mails the newsletter to people who received copies of the first one with the correct guess. This goes on for 10 more weeks until finally his mailing list is winnowed down to much fewer recipients, all of whom have received a series of newsletters from him that uncannily "...
HBO was once considering five concepts, and has now, according to Martin, winnowed those options down to four. One of those pitches is almost certainly Targaryen-based. Martin writes: Three more GAME OF THRONES prequels, set in different periods and featuring different characters...
Kasich needs a contested convention to win, so what does he do next? One answer is to stay out of Cruz’s way. That might mean focusing on northeastern states such as New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, where Cruz has little chance to win but Kasich has strong favorability ratings...