How does Windows Autopilot work? The Windows Autopilot device registration process begins with IT logging a new device's hardware ID and device type. Windows Autopilot requires IT professionals to add this information in the form of a comma-separated values (CSV) file totheir organization's Window...
Existing OS and hardware eligible devices do not get the ACME certificate unless they re-enroll. There is no change to the end user's enrollment experience, and no changes to the Microsoft Intune admin center. This change only impacts enrollment certificates and has no impact on any device ...
Devices deployed via Windows Autopilot for existing devices which are also registered for Windows Autopilot would previously have anenrollmentProfileNameproperty incorrectly set asOfflineAutoPilotProfile-<ZtdCorrelationId>. With a recent change,enrollmentProfileNamehas been updated to correctly display the assig...
Windows Autopilot is a set of technologies that pre-configure new windows devices for productive usage. Learn about Azure autopilot, how to enroll windows 10 devices using Microsoft's Azure Autopilot, and more.
Explore what’s new with Window Autopilot in Windows 10, version 1803 and preview new capabilities, such as Self-Deploying mode and remote reset.
Are you looking to get unblocked on developing your application, or have an issue with your HoloLens 2 or Windows Mixed Reality Headset? Maybe you'ree using Azure Remote Rendering and have a technical question.Here you'll find the support options for the following options ensuring you get conn...
Hi everyone,I work for a Company with about 10.000 employees. We have a working SCCM envoirenment and an Autopilot PoC which should go live in the near...
Windows Autopilotfor modern OS deployment and provisioning With Windows Autopilot, you can provision new devices and send these devices directly to users from an OEM or device provider. For existing devices, you can reimage these devices to use Windows Autopilot and deploy the latest Windows version...
How does PaperCut NG/MF work? Windows Protected Print Mode Example user information sheets Example 1: Printing with the popup confirmation window Example 2: Printing with shared accounts (for staff) Example 3: Printing using a Release Station Example 4: Refunding a print job (for staff)...
1) You have to press shift+f10 at screen asking for internet, as it does no work if you do it earlier in oobe process (at least not from first screen) 2) Upshot of this is you go through oobe from scratch, so no point in adding additional keyboards first time round before you pres...