Day broke through the light clouds; country people went across the heath to church; the black-gowned women with their white head-dresses looked like ghosts that had stepped forth from the church pictures. All around lay a wide dead plain, covered with faded brown heath, and black charred spa...
This succulent loves the full sun but does even better in the slight shade for a few hours a day. It has a high tolerance for drought, which means it can go without water for a very long time. But if its location is in a pot, watering is done when the soil is dry. It does wel...
We are firm believers in critical thinking (well, we're the mean ones who get lots of crap because we know most other groups make it up as they go along with all their "orbs" and claims of helping people with "demonic possesions!"). As it stands, we seem to be the only team ...
(does this mean anything to you?) My spirit guide: Spirit says, you carry a heavy load. Be at peace because she is watching out for you and your children – she asks that you watch over her daughter, and thanks you for all you did for her. Spirit has retreated. When I saw Joel...
This could mean choosing a location in your house that has darker walls (i.e., not a white or cream). Here, the light was coming from the window to the right of the bride. I asked the bride to turn her body away from the light and then bring her face back toward the window. It...
Next comes the bright light. And the white ceiling. Blurred vision and major pain in my head with a woman yelling, “Mr. Drexel! Can you hear me?” “Yes,” I murmur. “Mr. Drexel, do you know where you are?” “A hospital?” ...
His eyes were different, hatred and malice glowing in the white orbs where passion and determination usually rested. He was different. And I was there when WX had buried me, the robot collapsing beside the grave afterward and hanging his head in pain. I knew this is something he wou...
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle -55% $20.24 Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle -60% $35.99 Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition & Whale Shark Card Bundle -60% $23.99 Grass Cutter – Mutated Lawns -70% $2.09 Graveyard ...
you could say this is “orbs ” , but I mean more than that. saturn wd carry a tinge until the moon came along and cleaned it up [“Translation of the light” is a horary term and seems IMO very symbolic in its usage / meaning to denote that something happens or is completed with...
I see what you mean. Concerning fantasy/scifi fare, I think the same type of show was still around in the 70s, but unlike the 60s was usually cancelled after one season or less. For example: UFO The Immortal Kolchak the Night Stalker The Invisible Man Star Mai...