On the Sales Order, if your client is implementing PS module, you may have to attach the Sales Order to theWBS Elementit belongs to. WBS element is nothing but a bucket where all the activities belonging to that particular part of the project are captured. In the example, WBS Gujarat wil...
Lisa has been named in the Top 46 most influential in Supply Chain by SAP, a Top 40 B2B Tech Influencer by Arketi Group and a Top 50 ERP Influencer by Washington-Frank. She recently published, 'I’ve Been Thinking,' an inspiring collection of 101 strategies for creating bold customer ...
By nucleation of holes, we mean the quasi-reversible detachment of an initial number of flat monomers from a flat cluster and their random intercalation with the water molecules on top of the BLM. In other words, a hole is just a flat monomer that, upon detachment from a flat cluster, ...