Click Check button. If checked, you'll see a new line displayed in the bottom area (#1 VST sforzando ...) Click Ok. What does R mean in music? Also Called. A&R Rep, Talent Scout, Music Scout. An A&R (artists and repertoire) representative is responsible for finding promising new a...
How does looping work? At its most basic, looping is simply choosing a beginning and ending point within the music and playing them repeatedly. Looping can be done with a dedicated device like a looper pedal, which is typically used in live performances, or sampler or in your DAW using a ...
…But what does that mean? An audio example is usually worth a thousand words. In the video below, we play two scales on the keyboard in succession. The first is the C major scale, something that many of us are likely very familiar with (if you’re not,check out our introductory guid...
What does type beat mean? The term came from the informal practice of artists communicating the sound they wanted by referring to a style that would fit a specific artist. (“Hey, gimme some Drake beats.”) These days they’re part of a beat-making economy with multiple marketplaces specia...
With the new single-processor, dual-core Power Macs shipping, we continue to investigate the impact of PCI Express on the Mac audio and music world.
Launch FL Studio and start making music! 🎹 🔧 Features Step Sequencer: Easily create drum loops and melodies with a user-friendly step sequencer. Piano Roll: The best piano roll in the business, perfect for complex melodies and editing. VST Plugins: Use built-in synthesizers, samplers, an...
6. How does it sound when you use it? Quality is key! It’s the key to your decision in choosing a DAW, your success, your productivity and becoming successful in your career. Professionals understand that high-qualityaudio files are the result of proper recording techniquesbefore the post-...
An all-pass filter is a signal processing filter that passes all frequencies equally in gain, but changes the phase relationship among various frequencies. What does changes the phase relationship among various frequencies mean and what is its musical application? Where is an All-Pass Filter us...
What Does Sidechain Mean? Now You Know! You lucked out today by asking a great question. Not only do you now know the answer to the questionwhat is sidechaining?, but you know how to use it. Part of the battle is knowing when to use it though, so I made sure to share some appli...
As the subject says, what are you guys using for your string sounds? What program does a good job of realistic enough sounding strings which will be in context of a rock mix? Thanks guys! #1 List Solutions Only 36 Replies Related Threadstobias...