fresh air does you good→elairepuro(te)hacebien 4.(phrases and special uses)you Spaniards→vosotros losespañoles you doctors!→¡vosotros, losmédicos! betweenyou and me→entre tú y yo youfool!→¡no seastonto! that's lawyersforyou!→¡para que tefíesde losabogados!
@Ana90Louis le da un libro a ese gitano: why use “le”? Can I just say: Louis da un ...
What does De nada meaning? :of nothing: you're welcome. Is Nos a vemos? why Nos vemos meanssee you later? What is adios amigo? Translation of «adiós amigo» in English language: «goodbye friend» Where can I use Vosotros?
Who knows though, that page also says that vosotros is completely absent from Latin-American Spanish (aside from legal usage), and I live in Los Angeles, CA, where EVERYONE is from Latin America, and I hear vosotros almost everyday in spoken usage as well as television from L.A. stations...