眼睛、鼻子和喉咙不适:甲醛、烟草烟雾等挥发性有机化合物(VOC)和其他污染物会刺激眼睛、鼻子和喉咙。症状可能包括眼睛流泪、喉咙痛和鼻塞。 头痛和疲劳:室内空气质量差,特别是由于挥发性有机化合物等某些污染物含量高,可能会导致头痛、头晕和疲劳。 心血管问题:长期暴露于室内空气污染,尤其是细颗粒物...
What Does "GREENGUARD Certified" Mean? Build consumer confidence in your low-emission products Now more than ever, consumers want products that contribute to healthy environments and don’t have hidden impacts on health. People understand that human health is paramount. Because of COVID-19, as ...
Moreover, these data are very often associated with a specific driving cycle, which does not necessarily correspond to cycles used for determining emission factors. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of these uncertainties in VOC speciation. Air quality in the Paris area will ...
First, “made without formaldehyde” can mean that manufacturers did not use formaldehyde as an additive during the production process. But that does not mean there is no formaldehyde in the end product, because formaldehyde can be a contaminant. Second, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commissio...
Low VOC paints play a significant role in green building by improving indoor air quality. These paints emit fewer harmful chemicals than traditional paints, making them safer for both the environment and building occupants. This choice is especially important in spaces where air quality is a concern...
Sometimes indoor air contaminants can be living creatures—if by that you mean mold. Mold in the home can lead to some nasty repercussions. Some of the health effects include coughing fits, sneezing, dizziness, fever, and exhaustion. They can sometimes cause digestive distress, too, and can tr...
and updating its in-flight food and beverage services. Fliers praised the airline for its dependability and quality of service at a time when air travel was unreliable and plagued by poor service. We can bet they had the help of a reliable social analytics tool to guide their decision-making...
Did you know?More efficient object recognition models have been recently proposed, namely Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, and Mask R-CNN. These algorithms have been pre-trained on large datasets like VGG-16 and PASCAL VOC and produce state-of-the-art class predictions. ...
Does gassed mean high? 1 slang : drunk sense 1a. 2 slang : drained of energy :spent, exhausted. How long does it take for VOC to dissipate? VOCs from paint dissipate fairly quickly with most offgassing occuring duringthe first 6 months after application. Other sources, such as particle bo...
Bitumen's lower VOC emissions make it a preferred choice for eco-conscious projects. 8 Tar Known for its waterproofing abilities and distinct smell. The distinct smell of tar filled the air as workers paved the road. 8 Bitumen Durable, with a high melting point and resistance to water. The...