Vitamin B17 is a nutrient found primarily in the seeds of fruit, particularly the apricot. It also is known by the names of laetrile, amygdalin and nitriloside. These names specifically indicate the purified form that was developed for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Supplements of vi...
Vitamin C, which is touted to kill microbes, is also used as an IV for cancer patients. Vitamin C andVitamin D3are highly anti-microbial vitamins (in the case of Vitamin C,hydrogen peroxideis also made). A combination ofMSM with Vitamin CorVitamin D3is discussed further in the linked art...
Matcha green tea, B17, wormwood, medicinal mushrooms, Haelan, curcumin, Onkobel-Pro, Orasal, Poly MVA, and many others. And make sure you supplement with Vitamin D, C, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, and a high-quality sulforaphane supplement. Sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts has the ability to...
* Keep taking your vitamin B17 * Keep eating your apricot seeds * Keep eating good organic food (no white sugars, white flours, GMO, chemicals, etc) * Keep taking High levels of Vitamin C (work up slow – could be 20,000mg a day or more) * Keep doing organic coffee enemas (if yo...
I point this out because you’ll note that several of the most common (and aggressive) cancers have to do with yourgastrointestinal system. The function of your body that processes the food you eat, distributes it around your body as needed, and does its best to dump the leftover toxins...
-Melatonin: Take 100mg (5 capsules) one hour prior to radiologic study. If you are worried about sedation, do a trial run prior to see how you respond. This is not a sleep dose. Take along with vitamin C. -Vitamin C: Take 2-4 tsp (2000-4000mg) one hour prior to radiologic study...